The Anglican Question
The following piece is a collection of excerpts from a longer dialogue with an Anglican apologist named Karl. The main subject revolves...
Church Chat with James White
Sippo and White discuss a number of issues including ecclesiology, justification, the papacy, and Scripture.
The Lord’s Day
Sabbatarians believe that the early Christians got it all wrong. We should have kept Saturday as the Sabbath, they claim. Find out if...
Concerns of a Non-Catholic Searching for the Truth
A number of issues are covered in this exchange with an earnest Protestant looking into the claims of the Catholic Church.
Church Challenge
A former Catholic thinks that he has found major issues which debunk the Church’s claims over unity and truth. Read how he is instructed...
A Confused Protestant
We recently received a request to reply to a “confused layperson” regarding some factional in-fighting within the Catholic Church. After...
Discussing the Catholic Faith
In this rather lengthy exchange with an inquiring Protestant, Art Sippo defends the Church’s teachings in a number of areas. The focus of...
Anglican Succession Discussed
Mark Bonocore offers his views on the problems with Anglican Orders. With the recent auto-demolition of the Anglican communion over...
Our Sacred Traditions
Frank Jerry traps a poor Oneness Pentecostal and gets him to fess up that the Church is the keeper of those unwritten traditions the...
Authority & Justification
In this interesting dialogue, Art Sippo explains how the Protestant foundational belief in the bible is predicated on the authority of...
A Cloudy Day: A Protestant Challenge Answered
A Protestant sensationalist by the name of David Cloud has issued the following series of questions as a “challenge” for Catholic...
Pastor Billy Gets A Patristics Lesson
Mark Bonocore pulls the plug on some dirty water. Read how Mark masterfully defends both the Catholic Church’s authority and sacramental...
Protestant Pickle: 2 Thess. 2:15- Response 9
So just what is a Prot Pickle you ask? A Prot Pickle is a situation a Protestant finds him or herself in when confronted with a foolproof...
Protestant Pickle: 2 Thess. 2:15- Response 8
So just what is a Prot Pickle you ask? A Prot Pickle is a situation a Protestant finds him or herself in when confronted with a foolproof...
Protestant Pickle: 2 Thess. 2:15- Response 7
So just what is a Prot Pickle you ask? A Prot Pickle is a situation a Protestant finds him or herself in when confronted with a foolproof...
Protestant Pickle: 2 Thess. 2:15 - Response 6
So just what is a Prot Pickle you ask? A Prot Pickle is a situation a Protestant finds him or herself in when confronted with a foolproof...
Protestant Pickle: 2 Thess. 2:15 - Response 5
So just what is a Prot Pickle you ask? A Prot Pickle is a situation a Protestant finds him or herself in when confronted with a foolproof...
Protestant Pickle: 2 Thess. 2:15 - Response 4
So just what is a Prot Pickle you ask? A Prot Pickle is a situation a Protestant finds him or herself in when confronted with a foolproof...
Protestant Pickle: 2 Thess. 2:15 - Response 3
So just what is a Prot Pickle you ask? A Prot Pickle is a situation a Protestant finds him or herself in when confronted with a foolproof...
Protestant Pickle: 2 Thess. 2:15 - Response 2
So just what is a Prot Pickle you ask? A Prot Pickle is a situation a Protestant finds him or herself in when confronted with a foolproof...
Protestant Pickle: 2 Thess. 2:15 - Response 1
So just what is a Prot Pickle you ask? A Prot Pickle is a situation a Protestant finds him or herself in when confronted with a foolproof...
The Land of Doctor Lareau
In this free-wheeling exchange, Staff Apologist Mark Bonocore has some fun with some loonie modernist and liberal ideas all rolled into one!
Gary DeMar Still in the Dark: A followup on Gary's Very Misguided Defense of Sola Scriptura
In late August, Mark Bonocore was invited to be a guest on Stu Epperson’s Evangelical Protestant radio show, TruthTalk Live. The topic...
Gary DeMar Is Chasing Shadows: A Response to His Very Misguided Defense of Sola Scriptura
In late August, Mark Bonocore was invited to be a guest on Stu Epperson’s Evangelical Protestant radio show, TruthTalk Live. The topic...
Matthew 18:17 & The Universal Church
This article turns the table on the use Matthew 18:17 to debunk the claim that the early Church was merely a loose collection of local...
$Easy Money$: A Response to Eric Svendsen’s 18 Challenges
Sometime ago, Eric Svendsen offered a $100,000 reward to the contestant who could answer his 18 Challenges to the Catholic Faith. Well,...
Truth& Authority
Discusses the necessity of truth with authority within a Catholic paradigm. A good synthesis on the mutual complimentary of these two...
Apostle: One Who is Sent
This article deals with the Protestant claim that, unlike Catholic priests, Protestant ministers are sent by God to preach the Gospel,...
The Biblical Basis for Oral Tradition
A tract on the bibical basis for oral tradition.
The Pillar and Foundation of Truth
A tract on the Catholic Church.
Who is Jesus?
This article examines who Jesus is to both Catholics and Protestants. Issues covered include His divinity and humanity, His mission, and...
Genealogy of Jesus
Other than His divinity, the other question often raised about Jesus concerns Our Lord’s two different genealogies as recorded in the...
One, holy, catholic and apostolic Church
Catholics say these words whenever they recite the Nicene Creed. This article gives a brief explanation and background of each word.
Our Tradition
Ouch. Our little inquisition of Tim Enloe’s rather revealing comments seemed to hit a raw nerve with some Protestants. We have been asked...
Christian Unity & Orthodoxy
Mark Bonocore offers this excellent article on why unity is so important, and how the bible and church history testify to it. Protestants...
Filioque: A Response to Eastern Orthodox Objections
In this lengthy tome, Mark Bonocore discusses the sources and misunderstandings of the East and West’s understanding of the filioque. In...
All Gaillardetz’s Glitter is Not Gold (Part 2)
This is the 2nd part off a 3 part critique of Dr. Richard Gaillardetz’s theological views. I have provided my response below to Dr....
All Gaillardetz’s Glitter is Not Gold (Part 1)
As Socon or Bust readers know, sometime ago the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops responded to my criticisms of Dr. Richard...
ll Gaillardetz’s Glitter is Not Gold (Part 3)
This is the 3rd part off a 3 part critique of Dr. Richard Gaillardetz’s theological views. I have provided my response below to Dr....