Cross or Crown? A Neo-Conservative responds
Some time ago Dr. Thomas Woods challenged James Likoudis to provide some "neo-Catholic" answers to his 8 challenges. Mr. Likoudis...
The Challenges of Vatican II​
A number of challenges confronted the Church after Vatican II. Read up on the health and status of the Church beforehand to get a better...
Eight Answers to Thomas Woods [and other neo-Traditionalists
Have you ever been to Camelot and seen King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table? Well, here's your chance. See how our traddy...
Religious Liberty Defined
A discussion on religious liberty and some of the excesses of the traditionalist position.
Romans 11 and the Jewish Return - The Original
Robert Sungenis and John Pacheco dialogue on Romans 11 and the conversion of the Jewish nation to the Catholic Faith. The original is...
Religious Freedom and the Underlying Moral Right To A Civil Right
From their discussion on religious liberty, this side dialogue features John Pacheco issuing a bold challenge to Robert Sungenis to...
Objections to Rigorism
Objections to the Rigorist view of the absolute and exceptionless necessity of water baptism for salvation. Comprehensive citations of...
Vatican II & Ecumenism: What did the Council Really Say?
Despite what some Lefebvrites think, Vatican II and Ecumenism is not a bad thing. In this article, Pete Vere explains why.
The Sacrificial Emphasis in Eucharistic Prayer 2
A cogent defense of the Pauline Mass's Second Eucharist Prayer contra Traditionalist objections about its lack of sacrificial character.
The SSPX and Sacramental Validity
An interesting discussion between Mark Bonocore and another Catholic on the similarities and differences between the Orthodox and the SSPX
Religious Liberty and Dignitatis Humanae
Religious Liberty and Vatican II are discussed in this exchange with a traditionalist. Some misconceptions are cleared up.
Romans 11 and the Jewish Return - The Sequel
Robert Sungenis and John Pacheco dialogue on Romans 11 and the conversion of the Jewish nation to the Catholic Faith. The original is...
Religious Liberty: Discussion with a Sedevacantist
Art takes out a Sedevancantist. He clarifies the Catholic understanding of religious liberty in light of Vatican II's Dignatitis Humanae.
Has the Old Covenant Been Revoked?​
Not according to the Catholic Church it hasn't (CCC,121). In their continuing discussion on the salvific mystery surrounding the Old...
Religious Freedom & Assisi
Ever since the Second Vatican Council, religious freedom has been an intensely contested and debated issue. In this ongoing dialogue,...
A Rebuttal to "A Defense of the Traditional Mass"
A comprehensive discussion on the old and new mass and issues surrounding the controversy.
Feeneyism Exposed
An exploration and debunking of a contemporary heresy.