The Deception of Protestantism
If you are Protestant and looking for a quick history or bible lesson, Art’s the man for you!
A Reflection on the Reformation
Art Sippo responds to a Messianic Jew on the genesis of the Reformation and sets him straight on the legitimacy of the Catholic Church.
The New Martin Luther
This article provides a reality check on certain revisionists who want to paint Martin Luther as some kind of hero-reformer. But as this...
The God of Calvinism
This short article show the different conception of God which Calvinists have.
Was Luther a “Catholic Reformer”?
This article provides a short synopsis of the events leading to Luther’s break with Rome, including the modernist heresy rampant at that...
Totalitarianism: the Effects of Martin Luther
Sippo reveals the disastrous effects of Luther’s revolt against the Catholic Church in many fields of human pursuit as philosophers and...
The Fruits of Protestantism
According to our site statistics, our little log of Protestant denominations seems to be a popular page.
Introduction to Modernism
In this introduction to Modernism, one of our history specialists, Suzanne Fortin, gives us a solid and informative primer on the dangers...
Protestant Positions Refuted
Art Sippo reviews some typical Protestant errors and corrects some misunderstandings of the Catholic position.
Calvinism’s conception of God
Mark Bonocore discusses three cultural and historical reasons why Calvinists have an erroneous view of the nature of God.
Our Separated Brethren Defend Christmas – An Unwitting Contradiction?
Evangelicals stepped up to the plate this Christmas by defending this holiday. Problem was they broke with their forefathers and became...